Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Overjoyed and Overwhelmed

Yep, that would describe me today. I'm overjoyed that I've been on Weight Watchers for 2 days and I'm enjoying life:) I received so much encouragement from other WW ladies. Thanks y'all! It really has helped doing it with others here at the office and hearing from people who it's working for. I am a firm believer that what program you do isn't really the issue, it's can you stick with it and is it healthy. So, WW or whatever (I've been on them all), cheers! Here we go again. I can already see the 30 pounds leaving my body:)

Overjoyed...oh yes. I'm also overjoyed by the response to my 2 devotions that ran yesterday and today. Overjoyed because I had no idea how my story would impact so many people. And not just impact, but open the gates to be real, among Christian women. Open the gates to take the masks off and deal with who we are and why we are this way. If you'd like to read them, visit to read the first one titled, Love Me and click to read the part 2 titled, I Love You. Both of these deal with inner beauty and believing in yourself because of who you are in Christ, not your past, circumstances, appearance, performance, etc.

I'm also overwhelmed. I've received over 200 responses if you count my blogs and email combined. Most of them are from women who share similar circumstances or have experienced similar struggles. Most of them just desire love unconditionally. They desire a complete marriage with a happily ever after appeal. I relate.

So today I stand in complete awe of what God is doing in my life and in using my life. It is so not me and all Him. Lord, thank you for providing me with strength and courage to dive into the ugly. Most of all thank you for revealing beauty there. I pray each struggling, insecure, fearful, haunted, abused, abandoned, sad, lonely, unfeeling woman would be touched by You and refined into a steady, secure, trusting, peaceful, loved, found, happy, content, and full of God woman. I heard so many say, "I know God loves me, but it's just hard to believe and feel." I pray we all become "feeling" women. In Jesus' Name!

Do you feel beautiful today? You are whether you feel it or not.
You are beautiful...

No Matter What,



Chef Diane said...

So are you!

quilterpolly said...

overwhelmed is the max. What is god wanting from me here. He is drawing me and I am fighting. Peace is what I keep saying in my head over and over sweet peace and to feel the love....
Polly in Long Beach

Joyful said...

Rejoicing with you my friend. God is using you in amazing ways! Thanks for the privilege of praying for you.
Love & hugs,

Amy L Brooke said...

Wow. That's great. I'm glad you are feeling affirmed!

I've emailed but didn't blog at all on Tuesday and didn't have any time yesterday. It was a bit of a bloggy vacation. I wanted to comment to you on Tuesday about how powerful it was, but I didn't want to break my promise to God about blogging!

You are beautiful. I love getting to know you more and more.