Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Good Morning Starts With A...

GOOD NIGHT! I wish I could say I was the one who coined that phrase, but I can't. I have to hand that one to my dear sweet husband. As I was running around frantic one morning, stressing out, wishing I had gotten up early for quiet time and exercise, and running late....Jeff said, "You should have planned out your today yesterday. A good morning starts with a good night." Then it just got to be a family saying. Each night when we needed to go to bed, Jeff would say, "A good morning starts with a good night, soooooo GOOOOOD NIGHT!" I know I'm being silly, but isn't it true?

My best days seem to happen when I go to bed a decent time the night before and take a little time to plan it out. It's amazing what a good night's sleep does. And when I have a plan, I don't have to second guess what my next move will be.

This week I have been really focused on discipline. If you read my other blog, , you know that discipline is my new focus. It has been a weakness for much of my life. And I was convicted that it was time to become disciplined. So I have focused, prayed, and studied discipline. I've planned ahead and gotten enough sleep. And I recruited a few friends to help me too.

I got up at 5:15 am each morning this week to exercise. 3 days I met friends to walk together. 2 days I exercised with a video in my home. In order to recruit friends who would actually get up that early to walk with me, I emailed everyone I knew in my area and asked if anyone could walk that early. (for me that's when it has to be) Well, most said "no" or didn't respond at all. But 2 did respond. Denise committed to once a week. Donna committed to 3 days a week every other week. That helps me tremendously. It's not everyday, but it's enough to get me up and keep me motivated. We exercise and we get social time. It's awesome. I don't feel like getting up in the morning, but being committed to discipline, I do it! :)

I have also been preparing my meals a day ahead. That helps because then I don't have to wonder what to eat, I know what I'm going to eat. Not that temptations don't pop up, they do. But that takes strength, conviction, and discipline too. It's hard, but it's happening. And when I overcome those strong temptations, it feels so good afterwards!

Organiziation if not my forte', but my husbands saying holds true. And tomorrow I am meeting Donna and Denise for our weekend jumpstart....60 minute power walk. And it starts at 5:30am. So I must go!

A Good Morning Starts With A "GOODNIGHT!!!!"

Sweet Dreams,


1 comment:

Joyful said...

SOOOOOO impressed my friend. Keep it up!!! You're doing great!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!!
